Healthy Diet for Healthy Body

Monday, March 22, 2010

List of herbs for menopause relief

There are many herbs for menopause relief.

Chaste Tree is a popular herb that in Europe, proclaimed "miracle" for all the symptoms of menopause. The list of symptoms it can alleviate is really exhaustive.As the name suggests, were chasteberries in the suppression of libido in women of childbearing age. Pharmacological studies have shown that it works mainly through the pituitary gland, our Lord, all the other glands, including those that regulate production of sex hormones. Also of interest: Chaste Tree contains estrogen and progesterone-like compounds. It is possible that the positive effects of the menopause for a change of LH and FSH secretion are due.It does not appear in the menopause, libido decrease.

Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba extract is for menopausal and postmenopausal women because of their beneficial effects on the vascular system. It is especially useful in relieving both the cold hands and feet, forgetfulness often associated with menopause.Ginkgo biloba extract has also been shown to improve blood flow to the hands and feet in human clinical trials and has shown that effective in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease of the extremities to be.

Ginkgo biloba extract has been repeated to improve mental health in patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency and may have similar effects to take into the menopause. Ginkgo biloba extract appears not only by increasing blood flow to the brain work, but also by improving energy production in the brain, making the uptake of glucose by brain cells and even to improve the transmission of nerve signals.

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How to works HGH supplememt?

GH works by repairing damaged cells and encouraging renewal of body tissues. It also boosts circulation, contributes to heart health, and sharpens mental function. Ever since the New England Journal of Medicine released a study 30-plus years ago stating the benefits of HGH supplement, it has been used as a supplement with growing popularity. The good news is the days of dangerous, painful injections of synthetic HGH are over. Our 100% natural capsules give you the same benefits with no pain and no side effects!


“The good news is this - the decrease of HGH in your body is reversible. Restoring youthful HGH levels can slow and even reverse these age-related issues.

There are numerous supporting articles in PubMed (the National Library Of Medicine) that clearly demonstrate that increasing HGH levels can improve age related afflictions and general quality of life. This a a professionally contributed journal which is peer reviewed - so the data is credible.”

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