Healthy Diet for Healthy Body

Monday, September 18, 2006

How can you follow a healthy diet if you eat out a lot?


The American Heart Association gives these tips for a healthy diet, even when you aren't cooking at home:

  • Ask the server to make substitutions, like having steamed vegetables instead of fries.
  • Pick lean meat, fish, or skinless chicken.
  • Make sure your entr?is broiled, baked, grilled, steamed, or poached instead of fried.
  • Ask for baked, boiled, or roasted potatoes instead of fried.
  • Order lots of vegetable side dishes and ask that any sauces or butter be left off.
  • Ask for low-calorie salad dressing or a lemon to squeeze on your salad instead of dressing.
  • Order fresh fruit or fruit sorbet in place of cake, pie, or ice cream desserts.


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